Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to your dog sledding questions, from info about our sled dogs and trails to attire, participants, and policies.
As you prepare for an exhilarating adventure, we're here to provide insights into the world of dog sledding. Delve into details about our remarkable sled dogs and their care, learn about the scenic trails you'll traverse, and get recommendations on what to wear for a comfortable experience. If you're wondering who can participate or curious about our cancellation policies, you'll find those answers here too. Get ready to embrace the thrill of dog sledding and create lasting memories with North Ridge Ranch!
We usually run anywhere between 5 – 8 dogs per team depending on the conditions and size of customers.
On average we run the dogs at about a 15km/hr pace although their top speed is over 30 km an hour.
Yes, some are a little timid of strangers, but the majority love to be pet.
Two (2) customers/sled, one person riding and 1 person driving the sled. A guide is on their own sled in front of the group. If there is an odd-numbered group, someone can ride on the guide sled as a passenger.
If children are involved the number of passengers may vary as we can sometimes double them up.
We DO NOT offer a solo sled option.
One Hour Tour – approximately 10 km
Half Day Tour– approximately 20 km
On average, four (4) guest sleds and one guide sled leading. This number can vary depending on demand and requirements.
Not likely. While we are fortunate to share the wilderness with Moose, Fox, Deer, Wolves, Bear and numerous smaller animals and birds we don’t often see them. We do frequently see their tracks however so we know they are there!
We predominately have access to 100's of acres of private mixed bush trails that have some gorgeous towering pines, hills, flats, and turns. The scenery is wonderful. There is no ice travel on our tours.
About a 2.5 hour drive
In order to receive a full refund, cancellations need to be made more than 30 days prior to your scheduled tour.
If for any reason you need to cancel less than 30 days prior to your reserved date and the spots are not filled, there will be no refund or reschedule available. If the spots are filled by a new reservation there will be a 90% refund issued (10% administration fee).
If North Ridge Ranch needs to cancel at any time due to unsafe conditions we offer 3 options: 1/ try to reschedule 2/ issue a gift certificate that can be used at a later date 3/ issue a full refund.
• Layers is always best in winter, with good winter boots, and a winter wind/waterproof outer shell, hat & mitts and you will be set!
• Dress for the outdoor temperature to be 10 degrees colder then actual temperature to account for wind chill while on the dog sled.
• Ski goggles or sunglasses to protect your eyes are strongly advised.
• A blanket is available on each sled for the passenger
• Two sets of Hot pockets/hand warmers are a good idea to keep your fingers and toes warm during the ride.
• North Ridge Ranch does not provide any winter clothing.
Yes! However children 17 years old and younger must be accompanied by an adult and parents need to be able to answer yes to the following 3 questions:
1) Is my child able to tolerate sitting in a sled for the duration of the tour and keep warm and comfortable in the winter?
2) Am I comfortable with the risk factor involved in dogsledding?
3) Am I able to properly dress and care for my child before and during the dogsled tour regardless of the temperature and conditions of the day?
Generally no. If the guide permits a child to drive, the child would need to be at least 16 years old, mature and over 100lb. The final decision is always at the guides’ discretion.
Yes, children 12 and under receive a discount off the adult rate.
Children 3 and under are free.
You certainly don’t need to be a marathon runner, but you need to be willing and able to help out your team on the hills by walking behind the sled or pedalling along (similar to a skateboarding motion). Dogsledding is an active team sport and having a good amount of coordination and balance is key to driving a dogsled safely.
If you have concerns about physical abilities and/or weight limits for the sled, please email us at info@northridgeranch.ca
We certainly are willing to do what we can to accommodate a variety of needs. Please contact us directly if you feel you require any accommodations and we will be happy to work with you.
We do not allow pregnant women on our tours as passengers or drivers. The potential risks are just not worth it. Please come dogsledding once your baby has been born.
Alcohol and cannabis are prohibited on all tours. We also reserve the right to prohibit anyone from participating on a tour if they have been consuming Alcohol or cannabis prior to the tour. No refunds will be issued.
As with all adventure sports inherent risks are involved when dogsledding. We do not provide or require helmets on our tours, but you are welcome to bring helmets for yourself or your children.
Yes they sure do. Dogsledding would not be a sport without the forward drive of the dogs. If you have ever experienced the excitement and energy of the dogs before they leave on a tour, you will know that pulling is something they want to do.
Our sled dogs eat Canadian-made Inukshuk Professional Dog Food. In the winter they eat the 32/32 formula and in the "off" season they eat the 30/25 formula. Inukshuk is a high-grade kibble that is made to meet the protein and fat needs of working dogs. https://www.inukshukpro.com
In the winter our dogs also get a warm soup to help with hydration. It is hot water that is baited/mixed with meat for flavour and extra fat.
In the summer our dogs get lots of fresh, cold water to keep them hydrated and cool.
Yes. They each have their own doghouse that they call home when they are not on tour or free–running. The houses provide shelter from the wind, rain, snow and sun. They are bedded with straw in the winter to keep them warm and wood shavings in the summer to keep them comfortable. Alaskan huskies are bred for their adaptability to the outdoors so they acclimatize well with the different seasons.
No, all tour pricing is per person.
No. Our dogs have a strong pack mentality and any outside animal in their space creates excitement and curiosity that takes away from their focus. Having another animal on tour that is not a part of North Ridge Ranch is unsafe for that animal and our dogs. Please leave your pets at home or contact us in advance to make arrangements for your pet to stay in our home while you are on tour.
No. We do not offer a solo sled option. All customer sleds have at least 2 people - a driver and a passenger.
A strong ability to understand and communicate in English is essential for all those hoping to participate as a driver on our dogsled tours. We offer a detailed lesson at the beginning of the tour so everyone knows what they need to do to safely drive a dog team. The guide reserves the right to deny anyone the opportunity to drive a dogsled if they are not confident that a person has understood the instructions or is capable of safely driving one of our teams. You do not need to speak or understand English to be a passenger on a dogsled. If you have any concerns please contact us prior to your tour to discuss alternatives and options if you are unsure about your conversational English.
Our dogs are housed in large open yards in groups of 3 -6. Each yard is large enough to allow for free movement, exercise and playtime. Each yard is comprised of a social group of dogs that interact well together. All have access to individual housing/shelter for each dog.
Our sleds are customer driven. There is generally one guide on each tour that leads out on their own team and the customer teams (minimum 2 people per sled) follow behind. Every tour starts with a detailed lesson so everyone knows how to safely manage their sled/team.
TO BE A DRIVER: The minimum age to drive a sled is 16 years old, the individual needs to be mature and over 100 lbs.
Due to the variation of fitness levels of seniors over the age of 65 yrs old, we do not guarantee that all seniors will be permitted to drive the sled. If you are 65 yrs old or over please contact us directly prior to making your booking to discuss the requirements to safely drive a dogsled. 705-788-2828
TO BE A PASSENGER: There is no minimum or maximum age requirement, however children under the age of 5 need to be seated with an adult and all passengers need to be prepared for and dressed properly for the winter weather of the day.
Yes. Our dogs do not have infinite abilities and we are restricted to 6 dog teams for our customer sleds due to our trail terrain. If the combined weight on the sled exceeds 420lbs please contact us directly prior to making your booking so we can determine if we are able to accommodate you. 705-788-2828 or info@northridgeranch.ca
If we didn’t answer your questions here in our F.A.Q. section please reach out to us with your question.